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The invented virus of AIDS

The virus responsible(crucial) for occurrence of AIDS was allocated in 1983, but till now there are serious scientists, even Nobel prize winners who consider, that in development of this illness the virus does not play any role. These "dissidents" believe, that fault to all a narcotism, homosexuality, insanitary conditions, tropical infections and famine in the African countries. Surprisingly, but recently their numbers(lines) the present president of Southern Africa, caused has filled up with the application also flash of indignation of hundreds delegates of the international conference on a problem of AIDS.
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Day of struggle with myshinoj sperm

The virus of AIDS victoriously marches on our planet. It(he) has done a long way from the monkeys hiding the bodies from the scorching sun in thrickets of the African vegetation and poor hovels of local residents up to civilized countries of Europe and America where his(its) victims become succeeding businessmen and successful brokers. Americans hope to win AIDS in separately taken country and make this all efforts. They arrange till some days of struggle against AIDS annually and resort to absolutely shamanskim to methods: boil myshinuju sperm.
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AIDS: In all monkeys are guilty

Undoubtedly, one of the strangest and mysterious illnesses of the modernity(present) still has AIDS. We have not found an effective medicine against a virus of AIDS, covered with a gloom there is also a history of his(its) occurrence on our planet. According to one of theories, AIDS has come to the person from monkeys. Research, which results were published in a hot of popular magazine Science, has confirmed the assumption of scientists. They even managed to establish where, when and why there was this fatal accident.
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Vaccine from AIDS: sim pobedishi?

Epidemic of AIDS finds each day of 16 thousand new victims worldwide, from them of 95 percents falls to less developed countries. To be protected try on miscellaneous: charlatans crush in mixers strange koreshki, the Catholic church calls believers for abstention, and in Brazil build huge factory on manufacture of condoms. Doctors see the decision of a problem in creation of a vaccine against AIDS though the Brazilian principle " the best vaccine is a condom " anybody yet did not cancel.
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Through the Internet defective tests for AIDS are sold

[25.09.2000] Already in third time for last year the Federal commission on trade USA (FTC) sues the company selling through the Internet poor-quality tests for diagnostics of AIDS. Experts of this governmental organization also have offered to pass the law on inadmissibility of export of unchecked tests in other countries.

Shampoo protects from AIDS and venereal illnesses.

[21.09.2000] The indispensable component of shampoos and tooth-pastes laurilsul'fat ammonium is capable to protect women from AIDS and other illnesses transmitted in the sexual way. Experts believe, that at vaginal'nom application of this component of hygienic means activators of AIDS, a gonorrhoea, a syphilis and hlamidioza lose the infectious properties.

Medicines for AIDS cause a diabetes

[21.09.2000] Protivovirusnye the preparations appointed ill AIDS, can provoke occurrence of a diabetes and redistribution of fat in an organism of patients. Medicines break work of fiber with which help glucose gets in a fabric.

In USA the new medicine for AIDS has appeared

[19.09.2000] The American management on foodstuff and medicines (FDA) has approved on Friday a new preparation for treatment of AIDS. It(he) differs from similar preparations that at a minimum of by-effects collects in blood in the greater concentration and effectively consults(copes) with a virus. During tests it(he) has helped approximately to 70 percents of patients for which there were inefficient traditional medicines.

In epidemic of AIDS ill monkeys are guilty

[12.09.2000] The scientists who have gathered on Monday in London on session of the Royal scientific organization, have rejected the theory according to which the fatal virus of AIDS for the first time has passed to the person from monkeys during test of the first samples of a vaccine against a poliomyelitis. This theory was published in the book of English journalist Edward Hupera the last year. However that the person has caught AIDS from monkeys, scientific do not doubt.

Armenikum could not cure the patient with AIDS

[08.09.2000] Kaliningradets Nikolay Kolesnikov which treatment for AIDS with the help of a preparation armenikum watched(kept up) all over the world, has died in the Kaliningrad regional infectious hospital. The Russian doctors came to the conclusion, that armenikum is ordinary immunnomoduljator, not capable to influence a virus. Earlier the German physicians who have surveyed Kolesnikova in Germany, drew the conclusion that the Armenian doctors have failed to stop illness.

Vaccine from AIDS check on the deputy

[01.09.2000] On Thursday in the Great Britain test of a vaccine against AIDS began. The preparation was entered also to one of members of parliament, to former doctor Ivenu Harrisu, which one of the first was caused to represent itself as the volunteer in experiment which results will help to win illness.

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