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The main history - December, 24 2000, 01:44 |
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Bald head - a harbinger of a heart attack?Further > > |
Men - mothers: show proceedsFurther > > |
Men will accept contraceptive pills instead of womenFurther > > |
On each wise man rather prostatyFurther > > |
Hrap - the reason of respiratory standstillFurther > > |
Are dear: nothing breaks so well, as... A boneFurther > > |
Electromagnetic fields: imperceptible murderers?Further > > |
Trimming: there would be no boy the girlFurther > > |
The new medicine for an impotence is created[22.09.2000] The researches which have been carried out(spent) in Europe, USA and have
shown Canada safety and efficiency of a preparation tsialis, intended for treatment of an
impotence. Significant improvement is marked at 80-90 percents of the men accepting this
preparation within three weeks. It is recommended to Americans to go in for sports three times per day[05.09.2000] Even moderate physical loadings reduce risk of development of illnesses of
heart at men. And the positive effect of employment(occupations) by sports is kept by
decades. The data received during long researches, began a scientific basis of the
recommendations accepted in USA to train for ten minutes, but it is necessary not less
often than three once a day. Regular physical loadings prevent an impotence[04.09.2000] Regular physical loadings prevent development of an impotence. For
achievement of result daily enough in fast rate to pass on three kilometers. And to start
never late: from employment(occupations) by sports elderly people can feel salutary effect
on themselves even. Argessivnost' stimulates immunity[25.08.2000] The immune system of aggressive men is better adapted to struggle against
infections. In their blood there are more than the leukocytes responsible for destruction
of microbes, got in an organism. To such conclusion there came researchers from university
of the staff(state) Pennsylvania, surveyed more than four thousand American the soldier. High and thin men risk to be ill a cancer jaichka[11.08.2000] Proportions of a body of the man render appreciable influence on an
opportunity of development of a cancer jaichka. As Norwegian scientific, high and thin
people assert(approve) are subject to this illness appreciablly more, than low and full.
Attempt to type(collect) is a little weight "to correct" the characteristic does
not give expected result. The contraceptive tablet for men is created[17.07.2000] In the near future to a condom the man's contraceptive tablet which
clinical tests are finished by Dutch pharmaceutical company Organon can make a serious
competition. According to the experts who have published the report on research in a hot
of magazine Human Reproduction, the new tablet provides full protection against
undesirable pregnancy at absence of by-effects. Barreness raises risk of development of a cancer jaichka[13.06.2000] In result of the research which have been carried out(spent) by experts
from University of Buffalo, USA, physicians have received proofs of that inability of the
man conceive the child can to be an attribute of heavy disease which threatens
neudavshemusja to the father with a cancer tumour jaichka. According to authors of work,
the man in whom in the future the cancer will be found out, on two third become the
fathers less often and in nine times admit as doctors fruitless more often, informs BBC. |
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