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The mobile phone - advantage(benefit) and harm

Now even more often it is possible to see people talking by the mobile phone. Earlier use a similar sort of communication(connection) units could only, now the situation has appreciablly changed. On assurances of independent experts the cellular telephone being a source of radiation, negatively influences health and can become the reason of development of a tumour of a brain. However the uniform position on this question is not present, and that the mobile phone in some cases even is useful to health, scientists do not doubt.
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Allergy on men

Allergy today one of the most widespread diseases, is especial among city dwellers. Allergic reactions to food stuffs, a dust, animals, a medicine the phenomenon quite usual that is why special attention to it(him) it is not given. But, recently physicians have revealed the new kind of allergen deserving more careful studying. Scientists have found out, that sperm of men can cause allergic reactions in women.
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Fillet parts in polosochku

Can be, for someone the theme of extensions is irrelevant, but only not for fine ladies. White, and it is even worse dark blue or red a strip quite often become a point of issue in the female company. Therefore speech today will go about these zloschastnyh slices of a connecting fabric.
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How many costs(stands) jajtsekletka

Perhaps, there is no greater happiness for the majority of women than to have the child. However, not all are capable to conceive it(him). One of the reasons is inability jaichnika to produce jajtsekletki. Therefore women should search for donors jajtsekletok. And if donor sperm already for a long time is paid, just now scientists came to a final conclusion, that donor jajtsekletki also should have the price. Recently researchers have promulgated, how many should cost jajtsekletka.
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Genitalii: correcting mistakes of a nature

The nature infrequently creates people which would be fine in all: both soul and clothes and a body. Quite often, as though derisively, she(it) leaves on it a body a small reminder on imperfection of the person. On the data given in the second edition of sensational best seller SHer Hajt " Research of female sexuality ", appeared in book shops of the Western Europe, up to third of ladies the genitals awful consider. Fortunately, today plastic surgeons willingly go on a meeting to wishes klientok and correct mistakes of a nature.
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To smoke - the criminal to give birth

If mum is asked a question: in whom at it(her) such disobedient kid, that was born, it is possible that to climb on attic and to open covered with a century layer of a dust family albums or to draw genealogic drevo the child up to the seventh knee it is not necessary. It is better to pay attention to the behaviour during pregnancy. If the woman on this time has not stopped to smoke, it can explain much: and disobedience of the child and an offence at teenage age. And nicotine does not spare mother, increasing number of wrinkles on the person.
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About superfluous breasts and hvostatyh boys

At all times urodtsy drew attention of people, earning on bread in circus representations, parading the unattractive parties(sides) of the body, and always there were the gapers, ready to pay money to look at next "person - elephant". Not all anomalies of development spoil the person up to such degree to provoke laughter of visitors circus balagana. Many are imperceptible, but nevertheless strange - as though returning the person to fauna. About two anomalies - additional dairy zhelezah and hvostatosti, classical representatives of atavisms, - also there will be today a speech.
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Wonderful force of aroma

What we know about smells among which we live also which render direct influence on our life? The history of Ancient Greece and Egypt testifies to what value was given any sort to aromatic substances - to aromas. And till now the mankind continues to spend huge money to purchase svechej, ladana and oils in searches of pleasant aromas. It is done(made) to improve mood or to raise(increase) a physical and emotional tone.
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Leather(skin) and cosmetics: who of whom

From most ancient times of the woman of fashion of all world use cosmetics. Already in ancient Egypt women managed to impose on a leather(skin) kgs of production for a long time the cosmeticians who have decayed by mummies. Fortunately, then all components were natural - difficultly to present lichiko Kleopatry disfigured an allergic rash. And now - please. Imposing the new cosmetics not tested still(even), remember, in this powder there can be more "chemistry", than your leather(skin) can bear(take out).
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Hair should leave(abandon) a body

Spring and in our edges(territories) has come. The warm clothes are removed, and it is more and more than parts of a body are substituted to warm air and the sun. Absolutely soon looks of men will draw female legs. Well them, to men. And women should arm britvami, depilators and other sadistic adaptations. The beauty demands victims, anywhere from it will not get to...
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Cautiously: Talidomid comes back

Already more than forty years the name of medical product "Talidomid" associates with epidemic of congenital uglinesses during which thousand newborn have suffered. " Talidomidnaja accident ", burst in the beginning of the sixtieth years of our century, has resulted in immediate prohibition of use of a preparation and has forced to transform in the radical image norms of the control of safety of medical products in many countries. However since 1998 talidomid again wins the world(global) pharmaceutical markets. Indications and contra-indications to his(its) application now absolutely others. But who can guarantee, what the tragedy will not be repeated again?
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Liposaktsija: vysasyvanie fat can kill

Many women, having despaired to receive fast disposal from superfluous zhirka due to diets and aerobics, address to the cosmetician with the request to lead(carry out) liposaktsiju, or otsasyvanie fat. At this operation look as on absolutely safe though, as well as any another, she(it) is connected to risk of complications. Recent research has shown, that for some last years she(it) has served as the reason of death almost 100 patients.
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The diabetes at pregnant can be treated tablets

[20.10.2000] The diabetes at pregnant can be treated saharosnizhajushchimi tablets. Reception gliburida does not render harmful influence on the future child. To such conclusion there came the American gynecologists who have surveyed more of 400 women, ill a diabetes. Till now for pregnant applied only insulin from fear, that tablets can cause anomalies of development of children.

Depression at children is expressed by the raised(increased) drowsiness

[20.10.2000] The American scientists have established, that at 16 percents of children, suffering depression, illness proceeds atypically. At them the expressed mood swings, increase of appetite, increase of weight of a body and superfluous drowsiness are marked. Physicians advise parents to pay to these symptoms special attention in due time to begin necessary treatment.

Cancer dairy zhelezy will treat ultrasound

[13.10.2000] The American scientists develop a new method of treatment of a cancer dairy zhelezy which will relieve patients from kalechashchej surgical operation. Cancer cells(cages) under action of ultrasound are heated up to high temperature and collapse. This safe procedure will be carried out(spent) under the control magnitno-resonant tomografii precisely to define(determine) the center of defeat.

New contraceptive means can be accepted once a month

[09.10.2000] The American Management on foodstuff and medicines has approved new means kontratseptsii - lunelle. It is entered intramuscularly once a month and provides protection against undesirable pregnancy more than on 99 percents. The qualified medical personnel can do(make) injections of a new medicine only.

The women who have transferred a cancer, can have children

[03.10.2000] The women receiving an irradiation and chemotherapy for treatment of a cancer, can avoid damage jaichnikov which frequently results in barreness. In experiments with mice the American scientists have established, that blocking of biologically active substances keramidov prevents destruction jajtsekletok.

Vitamin A protects from a cancer of a breast

[29.09.2000] Application of one their components of vitamin A - fenretinida - reduces probability of development of a cancer dairy zhelezy. During the research which have been carried out(spent) by the Italian scientists, the number of cases of occurrence of a cancer at women receiving vitamin in one and a half time was lower, than in control group.

The Americans will receive tablets for abortions

[29.09.2000] On Thursday the American Management on foodstuff and medicines has approved for use in territory of USA tablet RU-486 which is intended for artificial interruption of pregnancy and serves as alternative to surgical abortion. The preparation will be will be distributed only among the qualified doctors and will not act(arrive) in wide sale.

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