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The cancer which has begun with coffeeFurther > > Was kartoshechka simple, begins protivogepatitnajaFurther > > Teeth will clean chocolateFurther > > Medicine from a melon fieldFurther > > About food fibres and habitual locksFurther > > Radiation in your henFurther > > To tighten(delay) potuzhe a belt(zone)... On a stomachFurther > > That it is necessary for your organism: a new online the calculatorFurther > > Online the calculator of the burnt caloriesDetails > > How many vitamins are necessary for the man... And the womanFurther > > Something for the weakened brainFurther > > About a spoon of iodine in a flank of honeyFurther > > Vitamin cucumber and other miracles of genic engineering on our tableFurther > > Saharozameniteli: measure sweet deathWhether therefore, whether
from desire to facilitate back-breaking toil of slaves on plantations of a sugar cane and
ours kolhoznits on beet fields, scientists began to look for to sugar replacement. To find
good podslastitel' appeared not so simply.
The irradiation of products prevents intestinal infections[20.10.2000] The new technology of processing of products an irradiation can relieve
many people of intestinal frustration. In opinion of the American scientists, it annually
will allow to prevent destruction 350 person. However the food companies do not hurry up
to introduce this technology as people are afraid, that processing of products reduces
nutritional value of food and raises probability of disease by a cancer. The irradiation of products prevents intestinal infections[20.10.2000] The new technology of processing of products an irradiation can relieve
many people of intestinal frustration. In opinion of the American scientists, it annually
will allow to prevent destruction 350 person. However the food companies do not hurry up
to introduce this technology as people are afraid, that processing of products reduces
nutritional value of food and raises probability of disease by a cancer. Scientists have opened a secret of medical action of chicken soup at colds[18.10.2000] Chicken soup facilitates current prostudnyh diseases. The American
scientists have found out in it(him) the components having anti-inflammatory action. These
substances reduce formation(education) of slime and promote disposal of cough, a cold and
pains in a throat. Food additives can cause a cancer[16.10.2000] The new research which has been carried out(spent) by the French
scientists, denies a popular belief that the high maintenance(contents) of food fibres in
a diet protects from a cancer of intestines. Actually application of the popular food
additives promising disposal of problems with digestion, can increase risk of occurrence
of a tumour. Americans choose a meal with beskalorijnym sugar[06.10.2000] On the American counters the products prepared with application of new
modified sugar, completely safe for children, pregnant women and even patients with a
diabetes have appeared. Due to the structure which differs from structure of usual sugar
three atoms, it(he) is not soaked up in intestines and consequently does not influence
weight of a body of fans(amateurs) sweet. Greenpeace publishes lists of the modified products[06.10.2000] Active workers of ecological organization Greenpeace have distributed the
list of all genetically modified products acting in shops of USA. In this country, as
against many others including Russia, manufacturers transgennyh products are not obliged
to specify their origin on packings. On this Wednesday the list was published in the
Internet. Substitutes of fat do not result in loss of weight[27.09.2000] The use of a substitute of fat results in decrease(reduction) of a level
of cholesterol in blood, but is not accompanied by loss of superfluous kgs. In spite of
the fact that the level of cholesterol in blood of the volunteers eating during research
products with olestroj, was reduced on ten percents, the weight of their body decreased
only unsignificantly. |
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