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Andrey Kirievsky [01.11.2000] Quality of consumed food in many respects defines(determines) health of the person that is why people whenever possible try to include in the diet more than non-polluting and useful products. However even in the advanced countries the part of the population is compelled there are the products accessible under the price that is why it(her) to not have to puzzle, being tormented with an idea, that is better for an organism. Scientists count, that the technologies of genic engineering becoming fashionable recently, will help to improve useful properties of foodstuff and also to promote in the decision of a problem of dearness of some of them. Development of a civilization purposefully has enabled researchers - genetikam to change structure of genes, both animals, and plants due to what scientists now can "synthesize" food with the properties necessary and useful to the person. To receive food stuffs with the certain qualities scientists take a gene from what - that the representative of flora or fauna and "insert" it(him) in DNK another. Fruits of work of genic engineers is, for example, the salmon with the replaced gene from a flounder. Result of such transplantation became acceleration of growth of an imperial fish twice. Genic engineering achievement of the twentieth century, but our far ancestors consulted(coped) and without it(her), "cultivating" new kinds of animals and grades of plants. Ancient "michurintsy" selected from among plants and the animal representatives distinguished from the colleagues, for example taste or in the sizes, and then fixed desirable attributes by artificial cultivation. Results of such selection became occurrence on light of many kinds of pets and plants not existing in a wild nature. However to achieve from objects of selection of occurrence of qualities necessary to the person it is rather difficult, and sometimes on it to have to spend not one ten years. The genic engineering allows to receive result in some times best and in shorter terms. Scientists count, that the "miracles - products" created by hands of biotechnologists, in the positive characteristics considerably surpass natural. In opinion of researchers, the plants being "child" of genic technologies, are more nutritious, do not cause an allergy, contain more vitamins. Except for it they not " on an interior " to wreckers that allows to avoid application of chemicals which, as is known are dangerous to health. Now researchers work above creation neallergichnogo a peanut, sunflower oil with the low maintenance(contents) of fat acids, rice with the raised(increased) maintenance(contents) of vitamin And. In USA for today up to seventy percents of sold food is " creation of biomasters ", among which products from a soya and pshenitsy among the first. However some experts are afraid of such popularity of the changed meal. They believe, that the use of genetically modified food can " leave sideways " to the subsequent generations as change of a structure of genes of plants and animals, can become the reason of infringement of structure DNK at people. Probably, listening partly to opinion of sceptics, the government of some European countries, and also Japan, demands presence of labels on the packings, informing that genic engineers "have taken a hand" in creation of a product. Biotehnologi are not going to stop on achieved. Scientists from institute in New York have investigated, during which was found out that, having changed structure DNK of a potato, it is possible to force to carry out it(him) a role of a vaccine against a hepatites. Genic engineers "have inserted" in DNK plants the genetic material responsible for synthesis of fiber - antigena of a virus of a hepatites. This fiber was found in cells(cages) of a liver of people sick of a hepatites, and it(he) causes development of immune reaction of an organism on a virus and development(manufacture) of antibodies. The experiment put on mice, has shown, that at the animals fed by a potato with changed DNK, occurrence in blood of antibodies against virus fiber - an antigene was observed. Scientists consider, that similar "potato - vaccine" considerably will allow to lower as charges on vaccination and to reduce quantity(amount) of cases of disease by a hepatites. Probably, in the fast future preventive maintenance will carry out not only a "potato" vaccine and not only against a hepatites, and, for example, and against a flu. In some years zajdja in shop, likely, it will be possible to hear a phrase something like: " Weigh, please, kg of rice with the raised(increased) maintenance(contents) of vitamin And and still protivogepatitnoj potatoes of kgs five ". Time will show, that all the same it is better: natural products or genetically changed. |
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