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Cigarettes - sugar candies - it is better not to take them to the mouth.Further > > Small children, not for the world...Further > > Quake kills daddyFurther > > The artificial ear returns hearingFurther > > Allergy: revolt of immune systemFurther > > Teenage sex: a taboo subjectFurther > >
Anesthesia of sorts raises probability of a narcotism at children[18.10.2000] Young people to which mothers at sorts anesthetizing means were repeatedly
entered, become much more often addicts. To such conclusion there came the Swedish
scientists who have surveyed the big group of the American women and their children. The
probability of development of a narcotism did not depend on other complications of sorts. Contact to plastic causes barreness[17.10.2000] The substances used by manufacture plastikov, can render negative
influence on development of reproductive system of boys and messages to barreness. The
main threat is represented with substances from group ftalatov and is especial - softener
DEHP. If they it is long act in an organism of the little boy in adult life at him(it) it
will be developed less spermatozoidov, capable to fertilisation. The died child voskresjat klonirovaniem[17.10.2000] The first experiments on klonirovaniju the person will begin in the near
future. The family of the millionaires who have lost the ten-monthly daughter as a result
of accident, is ready to pay one million dollars for research which results will help to
create all from several cells(cages) of the died girl its(her) exact genetic copy. Birth
of the first clone of the person is expected in one and a half year. Not desired children weigh less sverstnikov[09.10.2000] At women whom bears the not desired child, children with the lowered
weight of a body more often are born. These data were received by the American scientists
as a result of inspection more than two thousand future mothers. Experts connect this law
that such women badly carry out recommendations of the doctor and do not want to refuse
harmful habits. Prematurely born children will reveal beforehand[05.10.2000] Research of the maintenance(contents) of a hormone estriola in a saliva
allows to define(determine) probability of premature birth. To such conclusion there came
physicians from University Pittsburga. This simple and convenient test in due time enables
to carry out(spend) preventive maintenance of complications at sorts. Estriol it is
developed in a placenta and an organism of a fruit. His(its) maintenance(contents) is
gradually increased during pregnancy and quickly grows before sorts. At victims talidomida ill children are born[04.10.2000] The physical uglinesses of children becoming consequence(investigation) of
reception by pregnant women of a preparation talidomid in 60-70-? years, can be handed
down. It was declared by representatives of the English Society of victims talidomida. In
this connection they have demanded to increase the sizes of monetary indemnification the
victim. The child was born to begin the donor for the sister[04.10.2000] Parents of the ill girl at which heavy disease of a bone brain was
revealed, have decided to give birth to one more child that it(he) became the donor for
the sister. Fertilisation was carried out(spent) in laboratory under the control of
doctors which should be convinced, that the second child will be healthy. Despite of
success of the operation, many count the decision of parents unethical. |
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