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The cancer which has begun with coffeeAndrey Kirievsky [16.11.2000] At many people day begins with a cup of tea or coffee though in some cases butylochka beer, a jar with a cucumber brine or simply the glass of water where is lovelier to an organism suffering from a hang-over. Coffee and tea are so popular, that with ease will give odds to any other drink, and not without reason in some east countries for the use of tea tea ceremony is thought up. Coffee, no less than tea, it is accepted to drink hot and the part of people can drink without difficulties by virtue of features of the organism almost boiled water. Others patiently prefer to blow in a cup, causing in it(her) "storm" until the liquid will not reach(achieve) the necessary temperature or to take advantage solominkoj. At first sight the only thing of that is possible to be afraid at the use of hot tea or coffee is an opportunity to burn language. However scientists have established, that the habit to drink these drinks in too hot kind or by means of solominki can be finished by a cancer of a gullet. The Spanish researchers assert(approve), that at the use of too hot coffee with milk and tea the risk of development of a tumour of a gullet grows twice. The cancer in this case develops from - for constant influences of high temperature on a gullet. That have taken part in research more than three thousand person and cases of the cancer which has arisen owing to smoking or the use of alcohol is remarkable, in calculation were not accepted. Scientists mark, that the use of hot coffee without milk does not raise risk of development of a cancer though to what it is connected while it is not known. Perhaps, the use of tea and coffee with milk through "tubule" as in this case the liquid, not having had time(been in time) is enough to be cooled in a mouth is the most dangerous, practically at once gets in a gullet. Researchers do not exclude that, as other drinks used in a hot kind, can "participate" in development of a cancer. Cocoa which children like to drink through solominku is quite possible, that, can join tea and coffee. Development of a cancer of a gullet, perhaps, the unique negative party(side) in the use of tea, and that if it(he) is too much hot, and coffee has carried less. People drinking of many(a lot of,much) coffee have shown numerous researches, that, fall ill with illness Parkinsona less often, but in too time the regular use of this invigorating drink increases risk of development revmatojdnogo an arthritis. It is considered, that coffee can "finish" the person up to an insult of a brain and a heart attack of heart, however scientists from Scotland deny this opinion. Britantsy investigated within seven years in which have taken part more than eleven thousand men and women in the age of from forty till fifty nine years. The quantity(amount) of cups of coffee, which majority of them used daily, reached(achieved) thirty six, however diseases of heart and cases of death from a heart attack among them was less than among those who preferred tea. Certainly, heart of the person reacts to coffee, to be exact on caffeine structure included in it that is shown by increase of number of reductions of a myocardium, increase of pressure. It would seem, similar action of caffeine should "strain" heart, but scientists from USA believe, that the person regularly using coffee, "gets used" to caffeine and ceases "to react" to him(it). Besides that coffee, probably, "helps" our heart to work, it still benefits also to a brain. Scientists people, drinking have established, that a cup of coffee since morning, acquire the information better, and the reason consists not in activization of work of a brain as was considered earlier. In opinion of experts, caffeine blocks action of substances which "brake" work of a brain and by that coffee only supports function of grey sections at the "necessary" level. To expect a cancer it is possible not only from the use of hot coffee or tea. The drinks containing widely used substitute of sugar aspartam, on - to another Nutrasvit, too are capable "to take a hand" in development of a tumour, only any more a gullet, and a brain. In opinion of some scientists metanol, included aspartama, can cause change DNK that results in occurrence of a mutation and development of a cancer. Nutrasvit is a component of many lemonades and chewing elastic bands that is why to
lower risk of development of a cancer it is possible if not too "to abuse" them
and hot coffee with milk. It especially is actual if to consider opening recently made by
scientists: the virus causing development of ssarcoma Kaposhi, can be transferred at
kisses. |
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