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Fluorine is useful not only to a teeth, but also for bonesKonstantin Grishchenko [21.09.2000] Disputes concerning ftorirovanija waters are conducted since far 1940 when fluorides for the first time were added in system of water supply in one of the American cities. This action had the purpose to prevent " furious epidemic " caries reigned then in America. Scientists - physicians have noted, that for pjat'nadtsat' years of consumption of "curative" water frequency of diseases by caries has decreased more than three times. But is not present, as is known, it is thin without goods, - along with decrease(reduction) of caries, at some people began to appear brown a stain on a teeth, enamel became rough, was amazed as well a skeleton. Only on proshestvii some time, scientists have understood, that all business in concentration ftoridnyh ions in water. Also mattered in what district people lived. It appears, if the maintenance(contents) of fluorides - ions in water makes from 0,5 up to 1,2 mg / l., you can be completely quiet as the risk of defeat of your teeth is minimal; if concentration of these ions is less 0,5??/?. caries is inevitable; and, at last, if in water ftoridnyh ions more 1,2??/?., - specific disease of a teeth - fljuoroz usually develops. These data are officially established by the World Organization of public health Services, on the basis of the numerous researches which have been carried out(spent) for last sixty years. But, unfortunately, and in them there are blanks - nothing is mentioned about preemlimoj concentration of ions of fluorine for our bones. Long-term researches of the American scientists have allowed to fill this omission. In experiment which last from the one thousand nine hundred fiftieth for one thousand nine hundred ninety fourth, USA have taken part seven thousand women of city of Michigans. Primary goal of research was to learn(find out), how the mineral structure of bones of a skeleton changes at the long use of fluorinated water. All women were divided(shared) into three groups, depending on what interest ftoridnyh ions contained in the water consumed by them. The first group on all extent of the research process, continued term four years, received only fluorinated water, the second - consumed such water only within twenty two years, and, at last, the third - drank water, not past process ftorirovanija. In parallel with it scientists collected the data on risk factors which could deform results of research, for example, reception of medicines and additives, quantity(amount) of children, a regularity menstruatsy. Besides tests for an estimation of changes of mineral structure of bones of a skeleton were annually carried out(spent). When all these women have reached(achieved) senile age, results of this global experiment were brought. Appeared, that at the women of the first group consuming exclusively fluorinated water during all research, there is a raised(an increased) weight and density of bones of a skeleton (it is especial femurs and pozvonkov), and it is not casual - you see up to fifty percents of fluorides - ions settles in bones. The received data give the basis to believe, that the risk of occurrence of crises at the given group is minimal. Women from the third group besides are more subject to various crises, have more chances for development of one of diseases, oppressive mankind, - a bony rarefication. It is necessary to tell, that ftorirovanie waters is a compulsory procedure, it is especial for areas in which ground and water sources are poor salts of fluorine. In Russia this procedure, according to foreign researchers, will be carried out(spent) everywhere, and especially intensively on Far North. However the facts speak just for the opposite: ftorirovanie waters in our country it will be carried out(spent) farly from being everywhere, and Far North is absolutely unsuccessful region in this plan. For maintenance of the necessary level fluorine in an organism it is possible to take advantage and special tablets which give children from two till fourteen years, and not less dvuhsotpjatidesjati per one year. However to accept ftorsoderzhashchie preparations without consultation of the doctor nevertheless does not cost. Fluorine as it was spoken above, a toxic element and his(its) excessive "consumption" it is dangerous to the person. It is required fluorine, about one milligram per day, toxicity is shown in dozes more than two hundred a milligram. So much fluorine contains in twenty litres of water, and it is so much to not drink, but with a children's entertainment is a tooth-paste it is necessary to struggle. Due to addition in a tooth-paste of flavouring substitutes, for example raspberries or strawberries, for some children contents of a tube become a favourite delicacy, and such "food" harms to health of the child. But nevertheless, what methods of saturation of an organism fluorine the person, whether it be ftorirovanie would not think out water or reception ftorsoderzhashchih preparations, all the same a unique method of maintenance of our teeth and bones in the order is consumption of natural carriers of fluorine a fish, tea, kidneys, apples. |
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