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From the idiot up to the genius one stepAndrey Kirievsky [10.12.2000] The last week scientists have promulgated results of research which has allowed to explain why men frequently do not listen to that they are spoken by women. During the experiment, carried out(spent) by experts from USA, it was found out, that men "listen" only one left hemisphere of a brain while women perceive a sound both. The opening made by scientists, on a hand to representatives of the stronger sex. Now it is not necessary to think out justifications why it(he) it is inattentive her(it) listens: it will be possible to refer to the mother - a nature which has deprived men and has not given them an opportunity "to listen" both hemispheres. Skill of women to perceive a sound at once both left and right hemispheres of a brain allows them to talk simultaneously to two interlocutors. In opinion Vieny Kumari, the psychologist in institute of psychiatry in London, such property of a female brain speaks that to the last is necessary "to be sprayed" on performance of set of things, the brain of the man precisely knows, that it(he) should "make". Scientists also managed to define(determine) the site of a brain responsible for sense of humour. "Ostrovok" laughters is in a frontal share of a brain and his(its) absence or damage does(makes) the person similar to tsarevna Nesmejanu: itself to laugh, others to make laugh. Such people are more inclined to depression. Researchers also have established, that the sizes of a frontal share of a brain define(determine) behaviour of the person: people having lack of nervous cells(cages) of this site are inclined to fury and fulfilment of criminal acts. Professor Adrian Rhein, psihopatolog at university of Southern California, considers, that deficiency of volume of a frontal share in seventy five percents of cases is responsible(crucial) for antisocial and immoral behaviour. Probably, in the future of the judge at adjudgment accused will take into account not only the fact of diminished responsibility but also to pay attention to propensity of the person to "criminal case" owing to lack of volume of a frontal share. Genetics consider, that set forth above lacks of a brain can be corrected, and advantages to increase greatly. For example, if someone will want to become cleverer or the big humorist for this purpose only it will be necessary "to correct and add" accordingly genes of genius or laughter. To present such it is difficult, but scientists speak it probably. In the experiments which have been carried out(spent) on mice, researchers managed to achieve increase of intelligence of animals. Certainly, they have not started to talk or multiply a column on a paper, however, in comparison with the relatives they were obviously "smyshlenee". Mice - mutants especially differed memory: from two subjects among which one for them was familiar, and the second is not present, they at once distinguished "newcomer" and all time allocated(removed) by him(it) for studying of subjects, spent for him(it). Animals from control group did not remember, that from two objects they already saw one, and spent identical quantity(amount) of time for survey of subjects. Be relative recently was deciphered human by a gene, and the American scientists believe, that they could identify genes of intelligence. Researchers from National Institute of Health in USA have compared genes two hundred the cleverest teenagers of America to genes of usual children. As well as the difference was supposed is, however " genes of genius " scientists yet do not know exact quantity(amount). Certainly, to introduce the genes responsible for mental faculties of the person not so ethically from the social point of view, however, it is a unique possible(probable) way which in the future will allow to treat dementia. Genic engineering it is possible to achieve increase of intelligence but while it is impossible, and genic operation dearly will cost. And Japanese have found more simple way to grow wiser. The Japanese scientists, having surveyed two thousand people came to a conclusion, that IQ than those who regularly consumes a wine or sake on some points is higher, than at teetotal. The gain of intelligence at the men daily drinking less pjatista forty gramme of a spirits drink, has made on the average 3,3 points, at women - 2,5. Scientists believe, that these data nevertheless cannot be counted the direct proof of
increase IQ owing to reception of alcohol. And the crude fish, which Japanese use cheese
as snack at the use fault and sake too renders favorable effect for work of a brain. The
only thing that does not cause doubts, it that in any case excessive vozlijanija alcoholic
drinks and eating of kgs of cheese and a fish will result only to alkogolizmu and to
adiposity. |
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